Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another Year Older...

I've decided that birthdays aren't quite as magical as they used to be. When I was little I used to count down the days until my special day and it seemed like it took forever to come. I remember older people saying that birthdays are just like any other day and sometimes they didn' t even want to celebrate because they'd rather not think about getting older. How could this be? I thought. But now I understand. I still love birthdays and enjoy celebrating mine, I just wish the years didn't go by so fast. The thought just occured to me the other day that I am now closer to 30 than I am to 20. How did that happen? I know it's not that old but it is for me because I'm still only supposed to be 16! :)
Anyway... for my birthday we got a Boston Cream Pie from Costco on Saturday and couldn't help but eat it the days leading up to my birthday, which is why you see a half eaten cake in the picture. Russell brought some flowers home for me and put them in a pitcher since we don't have any vases. I think they look beautiful. Josie colored a happy birthday sign for me, she also colored the wall. Even though it wasn't quite as magical as it was 20 years ago, I still had a great day! (Russ took a lot of really cute pictures of josie with my birthday sign and I couldn't resist posting most of them.)


Candice said...

Looks like you should eat the rest of that pie yourself! You're looking too hot and skinny. Hope you had a great birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy late birthday! I hope it was a wonderful day. Josie is looking so grown up!

Cindy Pond said...

funny...i feel that i'm sixteen too. i remember my grandmother meyers saying that she felt like she was seventeen and she was 90. josie looks darling. i can't wait to see the little cutie.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my dear, and I know what you mean! Hope Vegas is treating you well!

Whitney said...

That is so adorable! I can't believe how big Josie is getting! Happy belated birthday too! Miss you guys!